


Name Meaning:

“Tail full of points”

Dinosaur Classification:

  • Kingdom: Animalia
  • Phylum: Chordata
  • Class: Reptilia
  • Order: Ornithischia
  • Suborder: Stegosauria
  • Family: Stegosauridae
  • Genus: Dacentrurus
  • Species: D. armatus

Dinosaur Description:

Dacentrurus was a genus of stegosaurian dinosaur that lived during the Late Jurassic period, approximately 155 to 145 million years ago. As a member of the Stegosauridae family, Dacentrurus was a herbivorous dinosaur, most notable for the large plates and spikes that ran along its back and tail. Its name, which means “tail full of points,” is a reference to the defensive spikes on its tail, similar to those of the more famous Stegosaurus. However, Dacentrurus had a distinctive feature of being covered with more spikes than its relatives, especially near the hip and tail region.

Measuring about 25 feet (7.5 meters) in length, Dacentrurus was among the larger stegosaurs of its time. Its body was heavily armored, with a double row of bony plates and spikes along its spine, which may have served multiple functions, including defense against predators, thermoregulation, or species recognition. Unlike some of its relatives that had large, flat plates along the back, Dacentrurus’s spikes were more pronounced, especially around the tail, making it particularly formidable.

Dacentrurus walked on all fours, and like other stegosaurs, its front limbs were shorter than its hind limbs, giving it a somewhat sloped posture. It is thought that this dinosaur fed on low-lying vegetation, using its beak-like mouth to strip leaves from plants and shrubs. The arrangement of its teeth suggests it was capable of grinding tough plant matter.

In terms of behavior, Dacentrurus was likely a slow-moving herbivore, relying on its spiked tail, known as a “thagomizer,” for defense. If threatened, Dacentrurus could swing its powerful tail to deter predators such as theropods. The presence of additional spikes along its body suggests that it evolved under strong selective pressure for defense, possibly indicating a hostile environment with numerous large predators.

Dinosaur Diet and Behavior:

Dacentrurus was an herbivore, primarily feeding on low-lying plants and shrubs. Its small, peg-like teeth were adapted for grinding tough plant material. Dacentrurus likely led a slow-moving lifestyle, relying on its extensive body armor and spiked tail for protection from predators. In moments of danger, it could use its “thagomizer” to strike at attackers.

Dinosaur Size:

Dacentrurus reached lengths of about 25 feet (7.5 meters).

Dinosaur Weight:

Dacentrurus likely weighed around 3 to 4 tons (6,000 to 8,000 lbs).

Fossil Discoveries:

The first Dacentrurus fossil was discovered in 1875 in England, making it one of the first stegosaurs to be described. Its remains have been found primarily in Europe, with fossils unearthed in Portugal, France, and Spain. These fossils have included partial skeletons, which have allowed paleontologists to reconstruct its appearance. Some of the fossils are notable for the well-preserved spikes along its tail and back, providing important insights into its defense mechanisms.

What Period Did The Dinosaur Live:

Dacentrurus lived during the Late Jurassic period, around 155 to 145 million years ago.

Notable Facts or Trivia:

– Dacentrurus was one of the first stegosaurs to be described scientifically.
– Its name means “tail full of points,” referring to its heavily spiked tail.
– Unlike Stegosaurus, which had large plates along its back, Dacentrurus had more spikes than plates, especially near the tail.
– Fossils of Dacentrurus have been found across Europe, making it a significant stegosaurian representative of the continent.

Scientific Significance:

Dacentrurus holds scientific importance as one of the earliest discovered stegosaurs. Its discovery in Europe helped broaden the understanding of the distribution of armored dinosaurs and highlighted the diversity of defensive adaptations among the Stegosauridae family. The study of Dacentrurus and its heavily spiked tail has contributed to the understanding of how stegosaurs used their body armor for both defense and communication. Paleontologists continue to study its fossils to learn more about its evolutionary history and its role in the Late Jurassic ecosystem.

Extinction & Legacy:

Dacentrurus became extinct around the end of the Jurassic period, likely due to environmental changes or competition from other herbivores. Despite its extinction, the discovery of Dacentrurus has contributed significantly to the knowledge of stegosaur evolution and the development of defensive adaptations in dinosaurs. Its fossils remain some of the most well-preserved examples of the stegosaur group, offering valuable insights into the lifestyle and behaviors of these armored giants.